Casablanca Finance City ranked the 2nd African most competitive financial center in...

Casablanca Finance City ranked the 2nd African most competitive financial center in the Global Financial Centers Index (GFCI 2014)



Casablanca has entered the famous Global Financial Centers Index (GFCI 2014). GFCI is the global index of financial markets, published by Z / Yen Group, which delivers profiles, ratings and rankings of the most 80 competitive financial centers in the world. Based on this classification, Casablanca directly integrates the 62nd place in the world and ranked the 2nd most competitive African financial center.

“Casablanca has made a remarkable entry in the ranking of global financial centers GFCI 2014,” said the top management of Casablanca Finance City Authority (CFCA).

“It is undeniable that the Kingdom is now considered an important referential country in its continent “, Said Ibrahimi, CEO of Casablanca Finance City Authority.


“The entry of Casablanca into GFCI will enhance, at the international level, the reputation and the attractiveness of the  financial center of Casablanca, as multinationals strongly rely on this index while looking for financial centers for their regional operations,” estimate the CFCA officials.

The Moroccan Times.