Yoplait Set for a Come-Back to Morocco

Yoplait Set for a Come-Back to Morocco



If you are born in the late 90’s, then this article won’t be of much interest.

In fact, this article is for those nostalgic Moroccans who grew up with Yoplait’s magic taste, and YES as the title says Yoplait is back again to Morocco.

On the sideline of Yoplait’s come-back, Marc-Antoine Olive, International Marketing vice-president at Yoplait’s franchises, said the following:

“Yoplait is a historical brand in Morocco. We were in Morocco since 1981. In fact, Morocco is the first African country to welcome Yoplait. Today, we are happy to come back here with solid partners and new ambitions”.

On behalf of The Moroccan Times team, we wish Yoplait a happy come-back.

The Moroccan Times.