Tahar Ben Jelloun: Morocco is a complex for Algeria

Tahar Ben Jelloun: Morocco is a complex for Algeria



In a recent interview, the Moroccan writer, Tahar Ben Jelloun, stated that Algeria always finds a way to put “sticks in the wheels” when it comes to finding a solution for the Sahara Affair.

According to Ben Jelloun, “Algeria has a complex relation with Morocco. it has never accepted that Morocco can develop at different levels with limited resources, the thing it couldn’t do even with its abundant Petrol and Gaz revenues”.

The writer also evoked the recent Algerian presidential elections, which he described as “the biggest stab in the million-martyr country’s image”.Mr. Benjelloun proceeded to add that Arabs are responsible for the negative image they give about themselves for the western world, as “underdeveloped, which constitute a threat to law and security”.

The Moroccan Times