“Freedom Now”: Preventing Our Establishment Is An Arbitrary Decision That We Won’t...

“Freedom Now”: Preventing Our Establishment Is An Arbitrary Decision That We Won’t Accept



Freedom Now has called on putting “pressure on the Moroccan regime” as it declared that this last “insists on limiting us within confined red lines that remind us of the worst periods of Hassan II’s reign” as reported by Alyaoum 24.

In response to the court’s decision, which refused to grant the activists a licence to found their association, the honorary members of Freedom now have singed a protest petition where they condemned the “arbitrary, stubborn and unwarranted rejection attitude that the authorities uses to face the creation of the association Freedom Now (a committee aimed at to protecting Freedom of press and expression in Morocco).”

Members of the assembly recite the chronology of the establishment phase in their petition, where it explains in great detail how they have been put in a deadlock situation after the Moroccan administration refused to receive their application file for establishment and told them to resort to court. From its side, the judiciary refused to look at the members’ claims and ruled against them because they don’t have a receipt for submitting their application file or a court ruling regarding the matter.

The Moroccan Times.