Nostalgic “Bimo” Brand Turn Into “Mondelez Maroc”

Nostalgic “Bimo” Brand Turn Into “Mondelez Maroc”

mondelez maroc
Nostalgic “Bimo” Brand Turn Into “Mondelez Maroc”

In the wake of the merger of the two companies “Kraft Foods” and “Biscuiterie industrielle du Moghreb” (Bimo), which took place on September 30th, the leading Moroccan economy news outlet Leconomiste said that a new name for the “new company” was revealed.

As a matter of fact, the new name for the well-known, and quite nostalgic to many Moroccans, biscuits brand “Bimo” will be “Mondelez Maroc.”

According to said source, the change will concern as well other products that belonged to Kraft Foods. Namely, the Samar and Carte Noire coffee brands, Clorets, Trident and Bubaloo chewing gums, as well as Halls, candy and others.

“The change of the name is expected to further strengthen the positioning” of the “new company” Mondelez Maroc in the agribusiness sector as well as to “diversify its products,” Leconomiste closed.

The Moroccan Times.