ISIS Threatens to Attack French Schools in Morocco

ISIS Threatens to Attack French Schools in Morocco



One week after the deployment of the new vigilance system “Hadar” in sensitive sites in the kingdom, ISIS threatens to hit foreign schools in Morocco.

The alert launched by Australian services, comes one week after the deployment of the new system whose goal is to protect sensitive areas in the kingdom, including airports, public institutions and places of tourist concentration.

According to the Moroccan newspaper “Al Massae”, a report by the Australian intelligence, reported by the Daily Mail, said that ISIS directly threatens Western interests in several countries, including Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.”

The targeting of foreign schools falls within the framework of ISIS war on Western interests, especially countries participating in the international coalition against the organization, the report further noted.

Al Qaeda has also recently threatened Morocco to attack oil tankers passing through the waters of the kingdom in an attempt to provoke a new global economic crisis.

It is worth noting that the terrorist organization ISIS has also called its followers in Morocco, in case they exist as a sleeper cell,” to behead Americans citizens.

The Moroccan Times.