Will France Recognize Palestine in the Upcoming Days?

Will France Recognize Palestine in the Upcoming Days?


The National Assembly is expected to approve a measure urging the French government “to recognize the state of Palestine in view of reaching a definitive settlement to the conflict,” Agence Press said.

However, even though the vote is scheduled for next week, and even though the vote results in the recognition of Palestine, President Francois Hollande’s government has the final say, Russia Today said.

The fact is that Hollande has spoken in support of international recognition of a Palestinian state, but is yet to push to revive peace talks, especially after saying last Thursday that “France must take the initiative to find a diplomatic solution.”

Will Holland prove his good intentions -emanating from his last speech- to finding a solution by recognizing Palestine as Sweden official did recently, or is it just a talking the talk and never walking the walk, a politically motivated maneuver?

Well, only time will tell.

The Moroccan Times.