تفعفعات# Campaign, or Moroccans Making Fun of their Minister of Foreign Affairs

تفعفعات# Campaign, or Moroccans Making Fun of their Minister of Foreign Affairs

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Morocco’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

Rabat, Morocco(TMT)- An unparalleled wave of troll fogged over social media platforms in Morocco in response to the Moroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation using 2 Moroccan dialect words to describe the state of the Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallström after he told her that “Morocco will respond with an economic sanction against Sweden,” in case this latter recognizes the polisario separatist group as a state, during their last meeting in New York the wake of a United Nations gathering.

The two words that were employed by the Moroccan Minister are Tza3z3at, meaning she was shaking, and tf3f3at, “she lost control of the situation.”

In the post gaze of Mezouar qualifying Margot Wallström’s reaction in an interview given to Medi1, Moroccans resorted to sarcasm as they massively made fun of their Minister.

Mainstream Moroccans not only thought that the Moroccan Minister exaggerated in describing Wallström’s reaction, but they believed that he did lie through his teeth.

The Moroccan Times.