Casablanca protesters : The Makhzen is responsible for the death of Mohcine...

Casablanca protesters : The Makhzen is responsible for the death of Mohcine Fikri


Casablanca, Morocco (TMT)- Thousands of people took to the streets of Casablanca yesterday to denounce the death of Mohcin Fikri, and by the same token to voice their refusal of the constant humiliation inflicted to them by the Makhzen (a traditional system of non-elected authorities).

Nabila Mounib, the secretary-general of the Unified Socialist Party, Mohamed Tariq Sbai, head of the Moroccan Commission for the Protection of Public Money, among various other politicians and human rights activists were seen among the protesters.

Angry protesters who rallied in Morocco’s economy hub were herd shouting “Liberty, Dignity, Social Justice,” and “Mohcine was murdered, and the Makzen is responsible for his death.”

“Long live to the people,” and “The winds of liberty are here,” protesters also shouted.

Through their slogans the thousands protesters demanded an end to the Makhzen system.

The protest went peaceful as no acts of vandalism were witnessed.