The institutionalisation of violence

The institutionalisation of violence


No one can deny the unprecedented acceleration of violence through the world. By all means we live an era of amazing technological achievements that brought about some radical transformation in our way of living. We feel that our life has become easier and better and the pursuit of the  satisfaction of our needs stands as a high priority. However, our human relations are suffering and our social fabric seems to be fragile.

In such vulnerable circumstances violence has imposed its sovereignty on the national and international levels. In fact, our speeches frequently use the words peace, tolerance, coexistence, and conciliation, such a trend proves strongly the extent of the crisis. Besides, we used to apply some verbs such as: erupt, outbreak and provoke whenever we talk about violence, but nowadays we refer to violence as a reality that coexists with our day-to-day living.

There are many factors that pave the way to the growing surge of violence. To begin with the tyranny of our psychological instincts such as: fear, greed, selfishness, and domination. Seemingly the human is losing his humane quality.

Besides, capitalism defines the man as a homo economicus and insists on some material values such as free competition, benefit and interest. Therefore our way of living has become more aggressive and demanding and stress reigns.

By the same token, the material has overcome the spiritual due to the collapse of our noble values and morals; hence the call for a certain humanization of our human relations.

Furthermore violence has turned to a tool of terror and domination. Some governments and organizations use  violence as a strategy to invade some countries or impose the status quo to sustain their benefit and interest.

Can we talk about a real institutionalisation of violence?