The families of the two murdered Saharawis by the Algerian army held...

The families of the two murdered Saharawis by the Algerian army held a press conference at the UN heaquarter



The  families of the two young Saharawis killed on January, 5 by the Algerian army , nearby the Mauritanian borders , held a press conference at the UN headquarter in Geneva, to draw the international attention to the serious human rights violations committed in Tindouf camps.

“We call upon the international community, particularly the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Council of Human Rights, to investigate the murder of the two young men ” Asserted the coordination of the families.

The coordination also called upon the international community to exercise more pressure on the Algerian authorities to lift the siege imposed on the Sahrawi population in Tindouf camps.

The families of the two victims, Khatri Hammedha Khandoud and Mohamed Aliyenne Abbih, were represented at this conference by Abdellah Salma and Yabba Sellami , as well as the lawyer Pierre Legros, the founder president of “Lawyers Without Borders” .