Campaigning Team: Sisi Gets 500,000 Recommendations to Run for Presidency

Campaigning Team: Sisi Gets 500,000 Recommendations to Run for Presidency

 Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi gathered the required number of presidential recommendations on the opening day of the registration period, his campaign team said.

Potential presidential candidates are required to gather at least 25,000 notarized recommendation forms, signed by at least 1,000 people in 15 different governorates, to be eligible to run, Al Bawaba reported.

The retired army chief received over 500,000 recommendations, according to his campaign’s legal advisor, Mohamed Abou Shuqqa.

“This is an unprecedented number”.

Only 200,000 forms were submitted to the election committee on Monday, Abou Shuqqa added.

“We didn’t want to show off by submitting a large number of forms”.

He added, “A huge number” of forms were excluded due to their illegality, which included forms presented by minors.

The presidential election will take place on 26/27 May.

Potential candidates can register with the Presidential Election Committee from 31 March until 20 April.

A final and official list of candidates will be announced on 2 May.

Source: FARS