Head of the Independance Party Hamid Chabat: Benkirane’s Party Finances ISIS

Head of the Independance Party Hamid Chabat: Benkirane’s Party Finances ISIS

hamid chabat
Head of the Independance Party Hamid Chabat: Benkirane’s Party Finances ISIL

Al Istiqlal party’s General Secretary, Hamid Chabat, said in a video released today leading Moroccan political party  Justice and Development (PJD), which Morocco’s head of the government Mr. Abdellilah Benkirane is its General Secretary, “finances monetarily the ISIS Terrorist organization.”

Hamid Chabat said that “a list featured on an American newspaper (which he did not name) indicates that 6 members of the Justice and Development party finance monetarily the organization that slaughters people, Daaich [ISIL], among which is Mohamed Yatim,” the First Vice-President of Morocco’s House of Representatives.


“In the last Parliament gathering, Yatim headed the session. He carried the gavel in his hand and directed the session normally. He kept striking the gavel as if he did nothing wrong,” Chabat said.

Al Istiqlal’s leader added that “up to know, they [the Justice and Development party] did not refute this.”

Chabat went even further to say that the Justice and Development party’s preaching section Atwhid wa al islah former president and leading member “Ahmad Raissouni is among the nominees to head this international islamist Group [ISIL].”

“This is a danger for our country. We should stand firm against this. It is a danger if we let them strengthen themselves with the money of the country, which is the money of the people, and strengthens their power. If they keep infiltrating within the administrative apparatus of the regime, I project a catastrophe.”

It is worth highlighting that this is not the first time Chabat makes such sweeping statement regarding Benkirane’s party.

As a matter of fact, with the unveiling of 2014, Chabat said that the PJD should be dissolved as it belongs to an international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood.

At that time Chabat said that “the AKP in turkey, the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt, the Nahda in Tunisia and the PJD all belong to the International Muslim brotherhood organization. They employ the same strategies that rely on the demonetization of the opposition.”

The Moroccan Times.