King Mohammed VI: “I don’t wont a two-sped system where the poor...

King Mohammed VI: “I don’t wont a two-sped system where the poor are excluded, thus getting poorer and suffer more deprivation”

Le Roi du Maroc Mohammed VI quitte le Palais de l Elysee
King Mohammed VI: “I don’t wont a two-sped system where the poor are excluded, thus getting poorer and suffer more deprivation”

Morocco celebrated yesterday the 61th anniversary of the “King and People’s Revolution Day,” an event that witnessed the Moroccan monarch King Mohammed VI give a speech to the nation.

King Mohammed VI was caught saying that “I do not want a two-speed system in which the rich reap the benefits of growth, thus becoming richer, while the poor are excluded from the development process, thus getting poorer and suffering more deprivation.”

“The National Initiative for Human Development is part of this vision and many countries have expressed the wish to take advantage of the experience that has been gained. The social components of sectoral schemes are also part of the same vision and are particularly focused on local and human development,” the Moroccan monarch added.

In a similar speech given few days earlier on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of King Mohammed VI’s accession to the throne, the Moroccan monarch went arguably in the same view when he said that “Having perused the figures and statistics contained in the said studies [the World Bank carried out two studies to measure the total wealth of some 120 countries, including Morocco], and which highlight the development of wealth in Morocco, I wonder, as do all Moroccans: Where is this wealth? Has it benefited all Moroccans or only some segments of society?”

The Moroccan Times.