Taoufik Bouachrine is Subject to Harassment and Denial of Rights: Report

Taoufik Bouachrine is Subject to Harassment and Denial of Rights: Report

The former editor-in-chief of Akhbar Al Yaoum, Taoufik Bouachrine, was one of Morocco’s most-read columnists.

Morocco’s National Commission for Supporting Prisoners of Conscience and Victims of Freedom of Expression Violations has declared that journalist Taoufik Bouachrine, presently held at Al Arjat 2 prison in the city of Salé, is enduring a multitude of forms of harassment. The commission strongly emphasizes that this distressing situation arises from the prison administration’s deliberate obstruction of Bouachrine’s access to external medical treatment, further compounded by degrading conditions that undermine his dignity.

The commission emphasized that this is due to “being prevented by the prison administration from receiving medical treatment outside the prison, with conditions imposed upon him that demean his dignity.”

According to the commission’s statement, they believe that “the harassment and torture inflicted upon Taoufik Bouachrine, as well as the flagrant violation of his human right to medical treatment and care, contradict international treaties and conventions, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the two international covenants. Additionally, they are inconsistent with the provisions of the Moroccan Constitution, specifically Article 31, which mandates equal access to treatment and healthcare for all citizens.”

The commission further elaborated that Taoufik Bouachrine’s health condition requires treatment outside the prison. They noted that the prison authorities allowed “his treatment to be followed outside the prison facility, but on the condition that his hands be handcuffed and he wears the prison uniform.”

Bouachrine rejected these conditions, considering them a violation of his dignity, humanity, and personal integrity. The commission added that the situation has worsened, leading to increased harassment, following the prison administration’s imposition of severe sanctions on Bouachrine immediately after his family issued a statement to the public exposing the violations he has endured.

The commission stated that the prison administration “prevented Bouachrine from making phone calls to his family, intensified surveillance on him, isolated him from other prisoners, reduced his recreational time, and refused to communicate with him or his family regarding the harsh and unjustified punishments imposed on him. They also disregarded their inquiries about the context, justifications, and his health condition, causing concern for his family.”

The Moroccan Times.