Minor Rape Case: Appeal Court Heightens Jail Sentence From One to Five...

Minor Rape Case: Appeal Court Heightens Jail Sentence From One to Five Years


Following huge condemnation on social media by various Moroccans, including the Moroccan Association for Human Rights, a significant legal verdict was pronounced by the Marrakech Court of Appeal.

A defendant was sentenced to five years in prison for the rape of a minor aged under 18. Alongside this, the court ordered the defendant to provide 40,000 Dirhams in civil compensation to the victim.

This ruling marked an increase from the primary court’s decision, which had originally sentenced the accused to one and a half years in prison and 20,000 Dirhams in compensation.

Throughout the legal process, the Moroccan Association for Human Rights lent its full support to the victim, which triggered the law authorities to review the case in a more meticulous way.