22.9 C
Casablanca, Morocco
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Tag: el

King Mohammed VI’s Does Not Want Benkirane to resign: King’s advisor

Rabat, Morocco (TMT)- Moroccan weekly Magazine Telquel reported this week, relaying from an unnamed source close to Morocco's head of the government Abdellilah Benkirane,...

Suicide Protests and the Theatralization of Power (II)

We ended the first article on protest suicides with a question why Fkiri, Mmi Fatiha and El-Kanouni committed protest suicides though in Fikri's case,...

Abdelkader el Kihal: The establishment failed Morocco’s elections

Fes, Morocco (TMT)- Al Istiqlal party's Abdelkader el Kihal said yesterday while featuring in "Milaf li Nikach" show on Medi1TV, that his party did not fail...