King Mohammed VI Held on a Phone Conversation with UN Secretary General...

King Mohammed VI Held on a Phone Conversation with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon


The Moroccan Royal office said yesterday, in a release, “King Mohammed VI held on a phone conversation with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon”.

“The talks covered latest developments and the present timetable related to the Moroccan Sahara issue”, says the release.

“On this occasion, HM the King reiterated Morocco’s constant commitment and constructive cooperation to reach a final political settlement to this regional dispute, within Moroccan sovereignty.
HM The King further drew the UN secretary General’s attention to the imperative need to preserve the negotiations parameters as they were defined by the Security Council, safeguard the presence framework and modalities of the UN involvement and avoid biased approaches and risky options,” the statement goes on.

“Any straying from this track will be fatal for the ongoing process and holds dangers for any UN involvement in the issue. The conversation also covered HM the King’s sustained actions and laudable initiatives for the stability and development of the African continent.”

The Moroccan Times.