Nepal’s Foreign Minister Praises Morocco’s Positive Commitement to a Final Settlement of...

Nepal’s Foreign Minister Praises Morocco’s Positive Commitement to a Final Settlement of the Sahara Issue



In a recent interview conducted by Moroccan Agency Press ( La MAP), Nepal’s foreign minister Mahendra Bahadur Pandey “lauded the dynamic of change taking place in Morocco under the leadership of HM King Mohammed VI, describing the ties between Kathmandu and Rabat as ‘amicable and harmonious’,”as relayed by La MAP.

Nepal’s foreign Minister added that “the leadership of HM the King deserve to be applauded”

 When it came to the Sahara issue, the Nepalese official highlighted the positive commitment by Morocco to a final settlement of this dispute under the UN aegis.

He said the following: “Morocco was more positive regarding the UN process and I think that the other party, Algeria, should respect that too,”

“The other party should change its vision and conception to reach a compromise in a peaceful, realistic way, with an open spirit and in the respect of international law, UN charter and human rights aspirations”, he added.

The Moroccan Times.