Morocco Takes Additional Security Measures for Flights Bound to the United States

Morocco Takes Additional Security Measures for Flights Bound to the United States

Royal Air Maroc
Royal Air Maroc. Photo Credits: Luc Verkuringen

Following a request from the United States, Moroccan airports will also strengthen the security measures for flights bound to the United States starting this Saturday.

Among these new measures, uncharged electronic devices will not be admitted in flights bound to the United States.  Moroccan Ministry of Transports asked passengers travelling to the US to come earlier to the airport in order to avoid any delays when boarding.

US Transportation and Security Administration earlier announced that Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson asked the administration to implement enhanced security measures at some foreign airports with direct flights to the United States. These measures target unpowered electronic devices. These measures are in response to suspicions that terrorists are developing bombs that can evade security screenings.

The Moroccan Times.