Morocco: Dismantling of a Gang Specialized in Stealing Motorcycles

Morocco: Dismantling of a Gang Specialized in Stealing Motorcycles

motorcyle gang theft arrested police morocco
El Jadida: Dismantling of a Gang Specialized in Stealing Motorcycles

The Moroccan authorities, at the image of the judicial police of El Jadida recently managed to put out of harm a gang specialized in stealing motorcycles and theft under threat, Yabiladi reported.

After conducting a series of investigations upon the receiving of several complaints from victims, the authorities were able to identify 4 persons from the gang in question, thanks to a tape provided by a witness. After the arrest of the four suspects, a fifth person’s name was revealed. This latter person’s mission within the gang was to receive the stolen items and then sell them afterwards.

One of the gang members was in fact arrested in possession of three stolen motorcycles, yabiladi reported.

All 5 suspects admitted the carrying of 15 theft operations in various parts of El Jadida.

The Moroccan Times.