Peter Pham: King Mohammed VI’s Speech at the UN is One More...

Peter Pham: King Mohammed VI’s Speech at the UN is One More Piece Of Evidence Of His Leadership In Africa

peter pham
Peter Pham, the Director of the Africa Center at the US think tank The Atlantic Council.

Peter Pham, the Director of the Africa Center at the US think tank The Atlantic Council said that “HM King Mohammed VI’s speech to the 69th UN General Assembly is, “beyond its strategic significance, one more eloquent piece of evidence of the leadership of the Sovereign in Africa, thanks to a pragmatic vision dedicated to sustainable development on the basis of win-win partnerships”, the Moroccan state agency relayed.

The director of the Africa Center of the Atlantic Council went  on further to say that “since his accession to the Throne, HM the King implemented a proactive strategy for sustainable development in the economic and social fields as well as in terms of governance, as part of an approach backed by popular legitimacy and support” noting that “Morocco now prides on an exemplary development paradigm for the continent,” the aforementioned source reported.

The Moroccan Times.