Moroccan Prostitute Kills Client After Forcing Her Into Sodomy

Moroccan Prostitute Kills Client After Forcing Her Into Sodomy

Image from Archive.
Image from Archive.

The criminal division of the Court of Appeal of Casablanca sentenced a Moroccan prostitute, prosecuted for “assault causing death without intention to kill” and “debauchery,” to a ten-year prison sentence after killing a client who forced her into sodomy.

It all started when she accompanied casually a client to his local. Yet, this time everything turned upside down when the man asked her to allow him sodomize her.

Refusing to give in, she tried to leave. But in vain.

The client, who was reported to be very drunk at the moment of the skirmish, threatened the woman with an arm-long knife, and ordered her to cede to his vices.

The woman refused, and while struggling with the client, he fell backward. The prostitute seized the opportunity and smashed a vase on the man’s forehead before quitting in a hurry the place.

The client, who was reported to be quite young, died instantly.

When standing before the judge and the king’s attorney in the court of Casablanca, the prostitute said that “I did not intend to kill him. I hit him only to restrain him from following me and catching me.”

This did not refrain the judge from giving the prostitute a 10-year jail sentence.

The Moroccan Times.