Minister: Only 6% of Moroccan Students On Doors to Secondary Schools Master...

Minister: Only 6% of Moroccan Students On Doors to Secondary Schools Master the French Language


moroccan students

On the sidelines of a conference on education organized last week by Transparency International and the UNESCO organizations, the Moroccan Minister Delegate to the Minister of National Education and Vocational Training, Mr. Abdeladim Guerrouj, asserted that “only 15% of students on door to secondary schools master the Arabic language.”

“The number of students who enroll in secondary schools and master the Arabic language, either in speaking or  writing is extremely low,” the Moroccan Minister went on further to say.

Regarding the French language, the Moroccan Minister stated that only “6% of Moroccan students on door to secondary schools master” Moliere’s language.

The Moroccan Minister called the spade a spade and blatantly affirmed that the aforementioned statistics represent a “failure in the language policy adopted in the Moroccan educational system.”

The Moroccan Times.