Algeria Made Secret Deals With Belmokhtar to Attack Morocco: Latest Wikileaks Releases

Algeria Made Secret Deals With Belmokhtar to Attack Morocco: Latest Wikileaks Releases

Mokhtar Belmokhtar, also known as The One-Eyed, The Uncatchable, is an Algerian leader of the group Al-Murabitoun, former military commander of Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb.
Mokhtar Belmokhtar, also known as The One-Eyed, The Uncatchable, is an Algerian leader of the group Al-Murabitoun, former military commander of Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb.

Frankfurt, Germany(TMT)- As Hilary clinton’s emails archive was made searchable by Wikileaks a couple of hours ago, the archive, containing a trove of diplomatic cables, unveiled an unprecedented piece of information about a secret cooperation between Algeria and the head of Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb (Well known under its French acronym AQMI).

In an email Hilary received from a sender, by name Sidney Blumenthal, with an id “Sid,” probably an acronym for Secret Identifier, and with the subject line “LATEST FRENCH INTELLIGENCE REPORTS ON ALGERIAN HOSTAGE CRISIS” [the email was not fully decrypted by Wikileaks], the one reads that the Algerian authorities made a secret deal with Mokhtar Belmokhtar, well known under The One-Eyed nickname, to commit terrorist attacks in the Moroccan Sahara.

Belmokhtar, who is the leader of the group Al-Murabitoun, and a former military commander of Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb, has probably made the deal with the Algerian authorities right after the In Amenas hostage crisis, a terrorist attack which saw the killing of 39 foreign hostages (mostly from Japan) along with one Algerian security guard.

The following is the non-fully decripted email Hilary Clinton received. The reader can clearly distinguish the following statement  “secret understanding with Belmakhtar” was made “to concentrate his attacks” “in Western Sahara,” the appellation the United Nations uses to refer to the Moroccan Sahara.

algeria belmokhtar deal maroc morocco algerie attaques terroristes
Wikileaks email revealing that Algeria made a secret understanding with Belmokhtar to commit terrorist attacks in the Moroccan Sahara.

As follow is the script of the email in question, which was not fully decrypted.

“According to sources with access to the Aig,eriabDC.:1+SE the bott.62Clik.a secret understanding with Bell:noklitar after the kidnaDpin2; in .A.pril 7’017 ) consul in e„Ai0 (Mali). Under this aarcement Eicimokh.tar con.centrated his op ati nz,in and occasionally. with the encouragetnenr. of the ilgeri.tri attackIVioro4..-ci:In ii:teresl.t; in West, ,::rn Sahara. \N,ihere the Algerians teriitoria! claihtS, rhe off.::ials fear that january 17 attacks might mark a. resumption the 20 year civii arid resolved to dea: with I ‘ ituatit)n with ex.trt,-,rue force. Their gc.iai in i2nh; a.ccording to tilis source.. is to des?

The email can be read on Wikileak’s official website on the following link: click here.

The Moroccan Times.