Freedom of Expression and Thought

Freedom of Expression and Thought


Freedom of Expression and Speech is the nineteenth in the list of the Human Rights charter. Any human being, in any situation, under any government, under any circumstances, holds the right to express themselves in the freest possible way. It is a universal law given by all of the Gods and Supernatural beings that humans believe in the existence of. Even atheists hold that right dearly though they do not believe in Gods. It is the only law no one dares to argue against. (Even the right to life is arguable. See abortions.) However, this is like a double-edged dagger in a way that almost no one is free enough not to censor their speech in modern life. Everything anyone says at some point of time can be used against them; hence, no one speaks out entirely free.

Authority, in all its forms, throughout history, has legally censored its individuals to certain extents. Historically, millions of people were imprisoned, exiled, murdered, and even assassinated for what they said and supported. Today, authority is not that extreme: not enough people are prosecuted for what they say, legally. Citizens are constitutionally promised a freedom to express themselves, sometimes unconditionally. Still, authority has made it clear that ‘to have a right’ and ‘to actually practice it’ are two entirely different things. I.e. the law gives the people the right to speak their minds, but it does not control the reaction of the masses to that.

In that context, a person is only free to express themselves when they are alone, as they fear the rest of society. Anything that is said, if it challenges the already-set values of society, might result in physical harm. Legally, one is entitled to say whatever. Still, the majority is also entitled to react, violently might I add, to one’s claims. Logic is not the issue, as none is ready to hear any arguments when the premise is deemed unreasonable and untrue for no other reason than blind belief. Challenging the masses to welcome new ideas that seem to contradict their values is seen as a direct threat. Society’s first reaction to such attacks is to immediately dismiss them and attack whoever it is that started the “sedition”. It is a defense mechanism that Authority has planted in its citizens to ensure the longevity of its rule.

If anything said is against what Authority has claimed to be true, society attacks back by default. Authority, then, takes the side of the majority as the first can only protect and follow the instructions of the latter. Therefore, the right to freedom of expression becomes limited to the extent that it is a risk to defy the Authority.

Even more troubling is the fact that this level of censorship not only affects the freedom of expression, but also the freedom of thought. The individual becomes afraid of challenging their own values, in fear of contradicting them. When such a fear lives with the members of society when they are on their own, Authority can only be applauded. It is not an easy task to make citizens feel guilty for simply thinking outside of the boundaries. It is in the highest stages of slavery for citizens to start prosecuting their own selves for thought-crimes.

Freedom of expression is one of the most demanded rights. However, very few demand to have a freedom of thought, as they take it for granted that they have it. While, in fact, only Authority thinks freely; until someone in that position makes the mistake of challenging the set values of society. Never has a successful Authority defied directly its citizens, but it goes to prove that change is inevitable in one limited context. As a tax for their safety and the continuous defense of their values, society decides to take Authority’s word for granted and defend it violently.

Authority, in its final blow to freedom of expression, celebrates those who support it publically and in the most violent ways. It argues that those individuals had the courage to step up and defy the odds, while all they have actually done was to promote Authority’s agenda and kill the freedom of the rest. Those who disagree with Authority end up ignored and isolated. Society never looks back at them since they did not represent the values of the majority, but the values of the crazy few. Individuals and freedom thinkers, thus, become the crazy people, while the rest enjoy a secured and safe enslavement.