Canadian Solo Biker Rosie Gabrielle Converts to Islam, Shares Her Journey Towards...

Canadian Solo Biker Rosie Gabrielle Converts to Islam, Shares Her Journey Towards Inner Peace


Canadian Instagram influencer and renowned solo traveler Rosie Gabrielle recently shared an enlightening journey of spiritual self-discovery that has led to her conversion to Islam. Her heartfelt Instagram post, coupled with a YouTube video of her making the Shahada, has attracted attention and support from Muslim followers worldwide.

Acknowledging that the past year was one of the most challenging she had ever faced, Rosie revealed that she had always felt a unique connection with the divine since her childhood. She grappled with suffering and pain, and carried anger in her heart, often questioning the purpose of her hardships. However, these trials eventually led her to the conclusion that everything was meant to be and that her suffering was a gift in itself.

According to her Instagram post, Rosie’s spiritual journey started in earnest four years ago when she denounced the religion she was brought up with. Instead of fear guiding her, she pursued a path of spiritual discovery and self-exploration. This path deepened her connection with the divine and led her to seek a greater understanding of her purpose.

It was the Almighty that brought Rosie to Pakistan, challenging her to release the remnants of pain and ego, and to discover her path. The kindness and grace of the people she encountered on her journey profoundly inspired her. Having lived in a Muslim country for over 10 years and extensively traveled these regions, Rosie observed one consistent theme – peace. A kind of peace, she notes, one can only dream of having in their hearts.

In her Instagram post, Rosie expressed her views about Islam, noting that it is one of the most misinterpreted and criticized religions worldwide. She emphasizes that the true meaning of Islam is peace, love, and oneness. To her, Islam is not just a religion; it’s a way of life centered on humanity, humility, and love.

Rosie concluded her post by stating that her Shahada was essentially a re-dedication of her life to the path of oneness, connection, and peace through the devotion to God.