Laayoune TV Broadcast Sparks Unrest in Tindouf Among Polisario Supporters

Laayoune TV Broadcast Sparks Unrest in Tindouf Among Polisario Supporters


A controversial audio recording, broadcasted by Laayoune TV, has spurred widespread protests among the Sahrawis in Tindouf. The Sahrawis are vocally opposing the decades-long hegemony of the Polisario Front’s leadership, reigniting a long-standing conflict rooted in corruption, cronyism, and a lack of prospects for the region’s youth, including a longstanding political stalemate on the status of Western Sahara.

Laayoune – An audio recording aired by regional broadcaster Laayoune TV has provoked civil unrest in Tindouf, the base of the Polisario Front.

The audio features the son of the alleged Interior Minister of the Polisario Front inciting reprisal against Sahrawis seeking to protest against the movement’s leadership.

This broadcast has intensified existing tensions within the Tindouf camps, leading to riots and subsequent arrests of defiant Sahrawis.

These individuals have been fervently campaigning for an end to what they characterize as decades-long hegemony by the same leadership. They lament issues including pervasive corruption, rampant cronyism, and favoritism, which they argue have stifled progress and offered no viable prospects for the youth to anticipate a brighter future.