Morocco’s Al Omrane Facing Serious Substandard Construction Practices Charges

Morocco’s Al Omrane Facing Serious Substandard Construction Practices Charges


As public discontent rises, Al Omrane Group, a prominent Moroccan real estate firm, finds itself on the receiving end of growing criticism and impending legislative scrutiny. The Progress and Socialism Party in the Moroccan House of Representatives has called for an official investigation into the company’s activities, fueled by allegations of substandard construction practices.

The call to action, led by party member Rachid Hamouni, urges a vital meeting with the “Interior, Territorial Communities, Housing, and Urban Policy” Parliament Committee. Expected attendees include influential figures such as the Minister of Housing and the President of Al Omrane.

In a detailed letter addressed to the committee, Hamouni elucidates serious concerns linked to several projects under the aegis of Al Omrane. He pinpoints widespread issues of poor workmanship, chronic project completion delays, and questions the adequacy of the technical and financial capacities of companies Al Omrane has contracted.

Hamouni also draws attention to stalled urban development projects that have sparked widespread public dissatisfaction. He explicitly cites the city of Missour in the Boulemane region, where delays and substandard construction have caused frustration among residents.

This move by the Progress and Socialism Party could be the catalyst for a rigorous examination of Al Omrane’s practices.