Arrests Made in Casablanca for Rock-Throwing Attacks on Vehicles

Arrests Made in Casablanca for Rock-Throwing Attacks on Vehicles


CASABLANCA – Yesterday, local law enforcement officials in Hassan district successfully apprehended four individuals accused of multiple offenses, including theft and significant property damage.

The suspects, ranging in age from 14 to 21, are also alleged to have endangered the safety of road users in the “Al Wifaq” neighborhood. Police sources reveal they had received an anonymous tip-off regarding a group that was purportedly launching stones at motorists, both to rob them and damage their vehicles.

In a prompt response to the allegations, law enforcement personnel managed to arrest four of the implicated suspects within close temporal proximity to the reported criminal activities.

The apprehended individuals are now under an ongoing judicial investigation overseen by the competent public prosecutor’s office.

The police are also continuing to pursue two other individuals believed to be linked to these criminal actions. Authorities have not yet disclosed the identities of these suspects as the investigation is ongoing.