BB Energy Re-Enters Moroccan Fuel Market with $20M Investment

BB Energy Re-Enters Moroccan Fuel Market with $20M Investment


According to Moroccan news outlet Goud, Emirati company BB Energy is making strides in the Moroccan fuel market, having recently inaugurated its first station in Azmour.

Goud stated that the company encountered difficulties in securing necessary licenses from the Moroccan Ministry of Energy, prompting them to seek help from Emirati officials.

Despite these roadblocks, BB Energy is reported to aim to establish 20 additional retail stations by 2024, fueled by a substantial $20 million investment over the next couple of years.

Goud notes that 20 stations are the minimum requirement to comply with Morocco’s regulatory requirements.

Goud stated that the company’s prior collaboration with the now-closed Samir refinery, spanned nearly 12 years.

The outlet noted that with BB Energy’s involvement in a judicial case related to the debts against Samir, the company’s role in future negotiations concerning the ongoing talks around the reopening of the Samir refinery “is currently a topic of discussion.”