Award-Winning Actors Speak Out Against Corruption in Morocco’s Entertainment Industry

Award-Winning Actors Speak Out Against Corruption in Morocco’s Entertainment Industry


Several actors have come forward to support their colleague Anas El Baz, who harshly criticized the ‘corruption’ in the entertainment industry and the insistence of those in power on using the same faces in all productions while excluding names who have dedicated years to studying the field and honing their craft through practice on stage.

The actors who decided to break the silence revealed the dark side that is concealed within the entertainment industry, which is supposed to be a space for beauty and creativity reflecting the finest aspects of society’s culture.

Anas El Baz complained on Instagram about being excluded, along with other actors who have diplomas from the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts and Cultural Animation, from participating in TV productions on national channels, while roles are being assigned to names unfamiliar with the field and lacking academic training in acting.

He mentioned that directors and producers are increasingly relying on social media influencers and names from other fields lacking talent at the expense of real actors who have been marginalized for several reasons, questioning the absence of certain well-known actors from television.

El Baz also stated that there are irregularities within the industry, such as influencers being paid large sums to be part of a project and others engaging in sexual relationships with producers and directors to secure TV appearances.

He pointed out that some resort to ‘brokering’ roles, where actors are paid a sum of money to secure a role in a production, calling on the Ministry of Culture to intervene and address this ongoing crisis to save the industry.

El Baz’s decision to speak out and expose the dark underbelly of the industry stems from his concern for the field and the genuine actors who have been marginalized, not to settle personal scores due to his exclusion.

He emphasized that the industry suffers from unequal opportunities and that the system needs to be reformed to provide fair chances to all actors, not just a select few.

In response, fellow actor Abdelilah Rachid applauded Anas El Baz for speaking out about the corruption in the industry and expressed his support despite not facing exclusion himself.

He mentioned that corruption affects actors, directors, producers, and scriptwriters who struggle to find opportunities, while subpar stars are manufactured through platforms like TikTok and YouTube.

Rachid further stated that actors who value integrity and believe in the beautiful message of art are being disregarded in various ways, with disagreements over financial rights and the substitution of individuals with connections over merit leading to their exclusion from projects.

He highlighted the prevalence of nepotism and clientelism in the industry and the need to combat these practices to ensure a fair playing field for all involved.

Actress Ala Rakkab joined the voices speaking out against the hidden issues in the entertainment industry, stating that a dozen names monopolize all TV productions throughout the year while many actors remain unemployed and recent graduates await opportunities.

She emphasized that TV productions are funded by taxpayers’ money and should serve the public interest, urging directors and producers to act responsibly with these funds.

Rakkab stressed that the situation affecting some actors is not personal to them but reflects broader problems within the industry that need to be addressed.