22.9 C
Casablanca, Morocco
Authors Posts by Frank Bertrand

Frank Bertrand

Frank Bertrand
Franck Bertrand Ayinda is an African academic and a world peace activist who relentlessly works to empower people to express their full potential and pursue their dreams, regardless of their background. Franck is a world traveler and an avid reader of books. Franck’s ultimate dream is to open a world-class human potential development school across Africa. His interest are politics, economics, and social justice.

The Cameroon Anglophone Crisis and the Stifling of Democracy

Yaounde – A climate of political and social unrest has been raging and reigning in Cameroon over a year now. The leaders of the...

A special thought for the Rohingya People

The European coasts are not the only ones to help hundreds of migrants every day. In recent days, Indonesia and Malaysia have to manage...

A Letter To Anglophone Cameroonians

  Lyon, France- Dear Cameroonian Brothers of Anglophone culture, I understand your sorrows, your pains and misfortunes. I see the sadness and the spite that...