16.1 C
Casablanca, Morocco
Tags English

Tag: english

Ougaddoum, Saoufi and Zahrane Win the “Black Voices Public Speaking Contest”

The U.S. embassy to Morocco organized last week, in cooperation with Dar America Casablanca, the "Black Voices Public Speaking Contest." The event, which witnessed a tight competition between...

Mohamed Bassou Performs Again Standup Comedy in English [Video Included]

The young Moroccan standup comedian Mohamed Bassou performed few days ago another stand-up performance in English, in a show that witnessed a huge success,...

Benkirane: “If We Have to Choose Between English and French, then...

Morocco's head of the government, Mr. Abdellilhah Benkirane said during a meeting with members of the Justice and Development party (PJD) (check video...