22.9 C
Casablanca, Morocco
Tags Khalfi

Tag: khalfi

Morocco’s Government Spokesman: Ban Ki-Moon Agreed to Apologize to Morocco, but...

Rabat, Morocco (TMT)- In an interview given to Moroccan paper Akhbar Al Yaoum, the Moroccan Minister of Communication and Government spokesman, Mr. Mustapha Khalfi said that...

The Politically Correct Minister

Dr.Mourad Beni-ich is a Political, Intelligence & Strategic Analyst based in Washington, DC. Mr.Beni-ich holds a BA in Law, a BA in Political Sciences, a MA in Security and...

Mustapha El Khalfi Asks 2M to Clarify the Broadcasting of ...

Moroccan Minister of Communication Mustapha El Khalfi was reported to be very angry at 2M and to have sent yesterday an official letter to the...