19.1 C
Casablanca, Morocco
Tags Sweden

Tag: sweden

Sweden & Switzerland: The Worst Moroccan Diplomatic Gaffe

Dr.Mourad Beni-ich is a Political, Intelligence & Strategic Analyst based in Washington, DC. You can follow him on Twitter at: @MonarchKnight “Successful Diplomacy Is an Alignment of Objectives and Means--”Dennis Ross And…...

More Than 50000 Moroccans Demonstrated In Front of the Swedish Embassy...

Rabat, Morocco (TMT)- More than 50000 Moroccans, from all wakes of life, took the streets adjacent to the Swedish embassy of Rabat last Sunday...

Volvo told To Vacate as Sweden Considers Recognizing so-called SADR

Rabat, Morocco (TMT)- On the sidelines of the ongoing diplomatic tussle between Morocco and Sweden, sparked by the Swedish authorities considering to recognize the UN-non-recognized...