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Casablanca, Morocco
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Tag: world

coronavirus: Moroccan Cleric calls on all Muslims to preemptively give Zakat

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=73&v=lrP8Xv5PN38&feature=emb_title Rabat, Morocco (TMT)- Dr. Mustapha Benhamza, president of the Ulema Council of Oujda and member of the Muslim Council of Elders, called on all Muslims around...

Marouane el Hamdouni: a young Moroccan traveling the world with his...

Rabat, Morocco (TMT)- Marouane el Hamdouni is a young Moroccan that aspires to travel all around the world with his motorbike. His message is...

King Mohammed VI facing the King’s Dilemma: Brookings Institute

Rabat, Morocco (TMT)- An analysis of the current political situation in Morocco, run on the Brooking Institute, named "Think Tank of the Year" in 2015, said that...