Germany Warns its Nationals in Morocco of ISIS-Like Kidnappings and Beheadings

Germany Warns its Nationals in Morocco of ISIS-Like Kidnappings and Beheadings


german tourists morocco marokko

The German Foreign Ministry issued Friday an “urgent regional security warning” for its nationals residing in Morocco, as well as those living in many other countries, alerting them of the high risk of terrorist attacks they may be subject to, especially kidnappings which may lead to beheadings by savage terrorist groups and individuals that give allegiance to the so-called Islamic State (IS).

The statement concerned 30 countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Namely Morocco, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Chad, Djibouti, Egypt, Indonesia, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Jordan, Cameroon, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Mali, Afghanistan, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, the Philippines, the Palestinian territories, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Thailand, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates.

The German Foreign Ministry said that on the sidelines of the current threat, “it cannot be ruled out that Western nationals in a foreign country could become the targets of terrorist attacks, kidnappings and criminal offences by IS sympathisers.”

The ministry urged the public “to be very vigilant, to avoid large crowds and to follow the instructions of local security authorities,” Buisness Standart reported.

It is worth pointing out that few days earlier, France has issued a similar statement following the beheading of the late Herve Gourdel in Algeria.

Morocco remains very safe compared to many other countries, especially that it is quite experienced when it comes to handling “Islamist militants,” and that it nationals condemn in the strongest possible terms the depictable acts commited by the so-called IS savages.

Moroccans are literally helpful and welcoming when it comes to assisting tourists. This inborn feature has enabled Morocco to be ranked among the “TOP THREE most welcoming countries to tourists in the world” according to various reports, including the Washington Post and World Economic Forum.

The following video features German fans of Bayern Munich enjoying themselves and dancing with Raja Athletic club fans in Marrakesh, few hours before the final of the FIFA team’s world cup game 2013 between the above-mentioned two teams.

The Moroccan Times.