Ban Ki-moon May Have Changed the Content of the Final Report On...

Ban Ki-moon May Have Changed the Content of the Final Report On Western Sahara in the Last Minute

Ban Ki Moon’s, the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Rabat, Morocco (TMT)- During yesterday’s daily press briefing of Stéphane Dujarric, the United Nations Spokesman for the Secretary-General, a senior reporter at Inner City Press, by name Matthew Lee, said that a non official final report on the Western Sahara issue, uploaded online on Inner City Press, contains a number of changes, in contrast to the initial draft report, suggesting that the Secretary General’s office made last minute changes.

Lee said that all those changes “go to the appeasement or to the side of Morocco.”

“For example, paragraph 91 is switched from “must do something” to “should”.  [Paragraph] 92 drops a line about the mission’s political function. And paragraph 72 drops a reference to “investment not benefiting the residents of Western Saharan,” Lee added.

The UN Secratary General Spokesman’s answered Lee’s remarks saying he “can’t attest to the veracity” of the online document as the UN did not publish the official version yet, even if it contains “what may be the Deputy Secretary‑General’s signature.”

The Moroccan Times.