Ahmed Taoufik responds to the controversy over seeking quitter Athans.

Ahmed Taoufik responds to the controversy over seeking quitter Athans.



The Minister of religious affairs Ahmed Taoufiq reacted to the last controversy regarding a circular seeking a quitter ahan at Fajr time sent to muazzins in the Great Casablanca region.

A communiqué uploaded on the ministry’s official website  said the circular seeking quitter Athan is 7 year-old as it was sent to Muethins 7 years ago.

Taoufiq is accusing “Elements” who released the circular last week of “villain mischief”, we understand from the ministry’s communiqué.

Relayed since last Sunday by several paper and online-based media outlets , the circular sparked a lot of controversy among Moroccans. A group of citizens even went to start a petition blaming the Minister for this “non islamic” act.

 Taoufiq said, in the Ministy’s communiqué, that the circular in question contained “recommendations to follow when calling for Al Fajr prayer where muezzins should seek quitter athans, especially for those mosques located near hospitals and  close to “non-Muslim habitats.”