Hamiddine: “Rachid Nini Receives Money to Concoct Lies. He Is Not A...

Hamiddine: “Rachid Nini Receives Money to Concoct Lies. He Is Not A Journalist” [Video Included]

hamiddine rachid nini
Hamiddine: “Rachid Nini Receives Money to Concoct Lies. He Is Not A Journalist”

Abdelali Hamiddine, member of the General Secretary Office of Morocco’s Justice and Development Party (PJD), a party leading the current government coalition, said (video underneath) that controversial Moroccan columnist Rachid Nini cannot be called a journalist, as he writes in his newspaper Al-Khabar, especially his column Chouf Tchouf,” lies and defends the interest of the notorious corrupt people in Morocco, who pay him for that matter.”

“He is not a journalist,” Hamiddine stressed.

“He is all but ethical. His column is full of lies. Nini is always concocting lies,” Hamiddine added.

“He is no more a journalist. I am not going to sue him if he concocts lies about me, because I don’t see him as a journalist in the first place. He is working with corrupt systems to promote their ideas.”

The Moroccan Times.