Angry Student Mob Protest and Refuse to Take Leaked Baccalaureate Exams

Angry Student Mob Protest and Refuse to Take Leaked Baccalaureate Exams

Screen grab from video underneath (Youtube screen grab)
Screen grab from video underneath (Youtube screen grab)

Casablanca, Morocco (TMT)-Various Moroccan Students in the Khalid bin Walid and Abu Kassem high schools (check video underneath), both located in the Lissasfa neighborhood in Casablanca, refused to take today’s baccalaureate tests and protested vigorously against what the called “a leakage of examinations.”

According to a student who spoke to The Moroccan Times on the condition of anonymity, as soon as the exam papers were distributed, some students allege that they found out that the exam copy looked exactly the same as a so-called “fake copy” that was circulation yesterday night on the internet, which triggered them to boycott the exam and start a protest.

The student said that they thought when checking the copy yesterday that “it was just a fake copy,” but were shocked this morning when discovering that both copies were indeed the very same thing.

Some students raised their concerns to the teachers who were monitoring them, before starting to protest, to then leave the exam rooms.

Mob acts were even witnessed as the video underneath show. Both centers are now surrounded by security forces who were deployed in huge numbers.

Protests were also witnessed in other schools in Casablanca, but to a lesser extent compared to the protests that took place in Khalid bin Walid and Abu Kassem high schools.

The student who spoke to The Moroccan Times on the condition of anonymity said that in the wake of the protests, “looting of equipment from the schools took place.”

The Moroccan Times.