Moroccans Worst In the World In Giving Donations

Moroccans Worst In the World In Giving Donations

donations morocco
Image for Illustration purposes only. courtesy of

Rabat, Morocco (TMT)- A report by the British charity Foundation, Charities Aid Foundation (CAF), said that Morocco ranked the 126th out of 145 countries in the CAF World Giving Index, an index that is calculated by taking into consideration the “helping Strangers Index,” the “Donating Money Index,” and the “Volunteering Time Index.”

More specifically, Morocco ranked 48th out of 145 countries when it came to helping strangers, while it got the  last position (145th) in the donating money ranking.

When it came to volunteering time spent by nationals, Morocco ranked 141 out of 145.

As follow is the full ranking for the three aforementioned indexes:

volunteering time
Volunteering Time Index ranking.
helping a stranger index
helping Strangers Index Ranking
donating money index.
Donating Money Index ranking.