Latifa El Bouhsini: Benkirane did not fail

Latifa El Bouhsini: Benkirane did not fail

Latifa El Bouhsini. Al Aoula screen grab.
Latifa El Bouhsini. Al Aoula screen grab.

Rabat, Morocco (TMT)- While speaking in the wake of a conference organized by “Hesspress Center for Studies and Media”, leading leftist figure Latifa El Bouhsini said that “Benkirane did not fail” and that those who hold the reins of power in Morocco still refuse Islamists.

El Bouhsini, despite her opposition to the PJD’s political ideology, came to the defense of the party and its secretary general Benkirane, noting that the will of the people when relieving Benkirane from his duties as head of government in charge of forming a government coalition, was not respected.

“Benkirane did not fail,” El Bouhsini stressed.

“Those who tried to convince him not to respect the will of the people are the ones who failed,” El Bouhsini further noted.

“Benkirane made all possible concessions. He reached a red line that cannot be crossed, otherwise elections would lose its meaning,” El Bouhsini added.

The leftist figure also said that the recent spat of events harken back to the juncture Morocco lived in 1998 with the experience of “alternance” (Houkoumat Attanawoub Al Tawafouqi), whereby King Hassan II asked the USFP to form the new government after 40 years of staunch opposition from within the institutions.

The Moroccan Times.