Morocco looks set to extend nationwide curfew

Morocco looks set to extend nationwide curfew


Rabat, Morocco (TMT)- Many Moroccan papers are doubting the country will relax the nationwide curfew measures given the relatively-bad results posted in various cities around the kingdom.

Two weeks ago, given the back-then encouraging results, the Moroccan Minister of Interior said the authorities are readying a plan of evacuation, with a list of all measures that will be relaxed after May 20.

However, during the last few days, the tide has turned, and a record number of infections has been registered, which prompted various papers to doubt that the state of health emergency measures will be relaxed.

Al Ayam paper said in yesterday’s edition, “only nine days are separating the country from a date (May 20) that millions of Moroccans wait on pins and needles, to see whether the government will decide to end the state of health emergency or not. Nevertheless, all suggestions point to the government’s inclination to extend the quarantine period for the third time in a row for at least two weeks, given that the epidemiological situation in our country during the last days has worsened, with an important increase in the number of cases infected with the coronavirus.”

Al Alam, the mouthpiece of Al Istiqllal party, also believes that the state of health emergency measures will be extended given the spike in the number of infections.

“The country recording this high number of infections is a very bad indication that the government may be compelled to extend the period of quarantine in our country,” Al Alam stressed.

The Moroccan Times.