Moroccan Government Affirms Commitment to Human Rights Recommendations

Moroccan Government Affirms Commitment to Human Rights Recommendations


Rabat, Morocco (TMT)- The official spokesperson for the Moroccan government, Mustafa Baitas, has affirmed “the government’s sincere engagement with the recommendations put forth by the National Council for Human Rights and is actively pursuing their implementation.”

The National Council for Human Rights recently released its yearly report on the status of human rights in Morocco for the year 2022, which included several recommendations, one of which underscored the urgent need to establish a law governing freedom of expression on social media platforms.

At a press conference held following the government meeting on Thursday, May 11th, Baitas emphasized that “the National Council is a constitutional institution, and among its duties is to issue its annual report on the human rights situation in Morocco, which is then presented to King Mohammed VI.”

Furthermore, the minister went on to say, “The government is committed to executing the recommendations outlined in the report, particularly those pertaining to legislative and regulatory affairs.”

The Moroccan Times.