Air Traffic Controllers Crisis in Morocco: Calls For Protest

Air Traffic Controllers Crisis in Morocco: Calls For Protest

air controllers in Morocco are calling for a protest on June 4th.

The National Union of the National Airports Office has issued a warning about a severe shortage of personnel in air traffic control units at airports.

The Union has expressed concerns over the possible cancellation of this year’s entrance exam for air traffic control engineers, warning about potentially “dire repercussions” and “administrative violations against air navigation staff,” since they will have to work extra hours to compensate for the shortage.

The Union said it reached out to the Minister of Transport and Logistics about the situation.

It also called on air traffic controllers to participate in a national protest on June 4th, where to push the government to continue negotiations to implement the remaining clauses of the 2019 agreement, one that promotes favorable working conditions and retirement benefits for air traffic controllers in Morocco.

The Moroccan Times.