80% of Incest Rape Cases in Morocco Rooted in Alcohol Influence

80% of Incest Rape Cases in Morocco Rooted in Alcohol Influence



Dr. Lotfi Elhadri giving a speech on psychology in Rabat.

Dr. Lotfi Elhadri, a well-known psychology specialist in Morocco, said there is a significant correlation between alcohol consumption and incest, revealing that a staggering “80% of incest cases in Morocco are linked to alcohol.”

He said that the detrimental effects of alcohol on individuals’ sense of kinship, particularly parental bonds, lead them to engage in the abhorrent act of incest, resulting in family disintegration and grave harm to victims.

Elhadri noted that psychiatric clinics in Morocco are witnessing an alarming surge in incest cases.

He also emphasized that alcohol addiction paves the way for a host of other destructive behaviors and crimes.

The Moroccan Times.