Prominent Folk Singer Hajib Farhan Mourns Mother’s Death

Prominent Folk Singer Hajib Farhan Mourns Mother’s Death

Moroccan folk singer Hajib
Hajib Ferhane.

The mother of acclaimed Moroccan folk singer Hajib Farhan, passed away late Saturday night after a prolonged illness, triggering an outpouring of condolences from friends and fans alike.

The news was confirmed by music producer and friend, Mohamed Saudi, who expressed his grief in an emotional Instagram post, acknowledging the loss of Farhan’s mother. Farhan, renowned for his soul-stirring folk melodies, has remained silent on social media since the news broke.

Saudi, who has been one of Farhan’s confidants in the music industry, shared his heartfelt sympathies on the loss. “Our warm condolences to the artist, Hajib, on the death of his mother,” he wrote on his social media post. “May God envelop her in His vast mercy and inspire her family with patience and solace.”

Fans have since flooded Saudi’s post with messages of support for Farhan, with many reflecting on the influential role his mother played in shaping his career and music. Farhan often attributed his love for folk music to his mother, who introduced him to the genre at a young age.

The late Mrs. Farhan was a pillar of strength for the celebrated artist, who often spoke warmly of his mother’s unwavering support in his career journey. Her passing marks a significant loss for Hajib.