93 percent of Moroccan land is threatened by desertification

93 percent of Moroccan land is threatened by desertification


Nearly 93 percent of Moroccan land is threatened by desertification due to its arid or semi-arid climate, according to Abderrahim Houmy, the Director-General of the National Agency for Water and Forests.

To combat this, the country is emphasizing the role of women in the sustainable management of land and subsistence farming. This was highlighted in a recent meeting organized by the agency, during which a cooperation agreement was signed between the National Agency for Water and Forests, the French Development Agency, and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women in Morocco.

The agreement is designed to promote the economic empowerment of women, gender equality, and the overcoming of inherited gender barriers in sustainable natural resource management and land reclamation.

Furthermore, Morocco is actively working towards achieving a biological balance to benefit local inhabitants and enhance the Morocco Forests strategy for 2020-2030.

Several projects, including the FERMA project, are being implemented to support women’s economic empowerment and adaptation to climate change.